If you have a few or all of your teeth missing, one solution is to have a denture.
When you wear a denture for the first time it may take some getting used to when speaking or eating and chewing. It is important that you take extra care when conducting your hygiene regime so that you can avoid bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. The hygienist will be able to show you how to best take care of your denture and gums and will tell you
about specialised brushes you can use to do this.
If you have loose or ill-fitting dentures, your ability to eat and speak may become affected. Due to advances in dentistry, there is now a procedure whereby your denture can be fixed to your jaw with dental implants. This treatment, known as implant overdentures or denture stabilisation, offers patients with dentures a more permanent solution and can improve quality of life significantly. You will be able to enjoy your favourite foods again and feel comfortable smiling, safe in the knowledge that your dentures are staying put.
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383 Hawthorn Dr, Ipswich IP2 0RD
Email Us: [email protected] | Call today: 01473 601717
Monday 08:30 to 13:00 - 13:30 - 17:15
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 08:30 to 13:00 - 13:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 to 13:00
Saturday Private treatments only | Sunday Closed